Featured Acquisition: Elenor Wilson’s American Tourister Still Life

For Press Images and Supporting Documents

RAM Debuts Elenor Wilson’s American Tourister Still Life
July 22, 2015

RAM Collects: Contemporary Polish Fiber from Camille and Alex Cook

For Press Images and Supporting Documents

RAM Debuts New Polish Fiber Art Gifts
October 16, 2015

Press Received
The Journal Times, Racine Art Museum opens three new exhibits
October 22, 2015

RAM Collects: Wood Letter Openers by Norm Sartorius and Kay Springwater

For Press Images and Supporting Documents

Racine Art Museum Debuts New Gift of Letter Openers
October 14, 2015

Press Received
Milwaukee Magazine, Calendar 
October 6, 2015

The Journal Times, Racine Art Museum opens three new exhibits
October 22, 2015

Sci-Fi, Superheroes, and Steampunk: RAM Community Art Exhibition

For Press Images and Supporting Documents

RAM Announces Fandom Artwork Winners
June 26, 2015

Press Received
The Journal Times, Public invited to vote on artwork at Wustum show
July 11, 2015

Standing on Ceremony: Functional Ware from RAM’s Collection

For Press Images and Supporting Documents

RAM Showcases Functional Ware
October 15, 2015

Press Received
The Journal Times, Racine Art Museum opens three new exhibits
October 22, 2015

Love Art?  You’ll Love RAM!

The mission of the Racine Art Museum is to exhibit, collect, preserve, and educate in the contemporary visual arts. Stay up-to-date about special events as well as support the mission of the largest contemporary craft collection in America: